ArtisGL 3D Publisher 2.8 - physically based rendering

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

ArtisGL 3D Publisher 2.8 available for free download with new material options and physically based rendering (PBR)

PBR rendering provides much better quality in comparison with classic real-time rendering options. 

  • Materials and lights are now calcualted by physically based rendering engine.
  • Under material section shininess and reflection are controlled by Metalness (how much the material is near to reflective metal) and Roughness settings (specular and shininess options are removed)
  • In addition provide metalness map and roughness map to control surface's metalness and roughness properties pixel by pixel from texture.
  • Reflectivity supports now "Degree" option.
  • Lights calculation are more accurate
  • To see effects of metalness use Reflectivity map option


For more details on 2.5 version updates see


Download new version of ArtisGL 3D Publisher from Windows 10 Store

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